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Mini-cart missing features after theme update

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  • #303521



    I have just update from 5.3.6 to 6.1.3

    To avoid problems in production website I have cloned all my site to a second domain with http autentication.

    After theme update some features has been lost:
    – when I click the view cart on header button and the mini-cart widget appers, the body oppacity do not change.
    – when I add a new product to the cart, the mini-cart widget opens but it doesn’t close automatically after the time configured in theme settings.

    I have tried the option “As a workaround, you can load the full CSS file globally by enabling “Include combined CSS” in Theme Settings -> Performance.” but with no results. I tried the same with JS with no results.

    Both sites have same plugins versions. Just in case I have disable all plugins to check it but the problem persists.

    Could you please help me?

    Thank you very much.


    Artem Temos


    Please, disable all external plugins temporarily and switch to the parent theme so we can check what is wrong with that.

    Kind Regards



    Hi, Ops, I tried to disable all plugins but I do not think with disabling child theme and returning to parent theme.

    When doing this the problem solves.

    But my child is the same in both sites, before and after update. what could have caused this problem? I do not have any customization on mini-cart.

    Thank you.


    Artem Temos

    If it happens only when the child theme is activated then this issue is caused by some custom PHP or CSS code added to the child theme. You need to fix or remove it to solve the problem.



    ok, I will take a look and contact again if I need any help.

    Do you have any guide of “how to create a child”?, maybe the best option is to create it again from scratch and adding my customization bit by bit to see which one cause the problem.




    Hi again,

    I have just create a blank child (style and functions attached) and the problem appears again.
    None of my customizations seems to be the problem.

    Do you have any guide of how to properly create a child them for Woodmart theme?

    Thank you,


    Artem Temos

    We recommend you download the child theme from ThemeForest. Its archive is available in the full package downloaded in your account.



    It works whith your files.
    Thank you,


    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome!

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