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Misleading Function from your Live Demo ?

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  • #575939


    One of the reasons I purchased your product is that there is a blog news function with blog new search page, and blog news details page (after click-through the search page). But it is disappointing I found the image above the short news attached CAN’T BE EDITED. Is this a trick to users ?

    Your design allows users to edit the blog news images and content only in detail page, but can’t edit the main image in search page. Why do you have such setting for users who really pay money to purchase your products ?

    I don’t understand and would you please to get back to me what it is if I m wrong !

    If this is really supposed not allow us to edit, but I still want to have this blog page function with Search Page & Detail Page aligned. Then how can I edit or delete this, and re-do the one for us?



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    Navigate to Posts > Edit Post > In the Right Sidebar change the Featured Image.

    Screenshot for clarification:

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.



    Hey Aizaz, is this a second trick to me ? I can be able to go to somewhere to click what I wanna edit. But the problem is “nowhere to edit”. Would you please check the below case CAREFULLY?

    << Product Issue >>
    From your Live Demo, there is a blog news page where we can see it included search result page of blog news & details page of blog news (after click-through the search result page). It is disappointing that I found 「 the feature image above the excerpt in search result CAN’T BE EDITED / DELETED and doesn’t have any mouse hover feedback (as attached) 」. The feature image seems like it was hard coded into it. Is this a trick to users ?

    For your reference in more detail, I installed WordPress, Woocommerce and Woodmart Theme (pills theme) to create a website. I encountered this problem, and tried to deactivate all the plugins except Woodmart Theme and Elementor, cleared the browser cache, object cache, purged the server cache in order to exclude any incompatibility possibilities, but also failed eventually.

    If you take a look CAREFULLY into the images, you can see there is no any feedback when the mouse hover on the feature image. Instead, other images can be edited with mouse hover feedback. That’s why you can see the feature image is not included in the “Container” of right hand side for editing. Is this “Xtemos bug” which is different from your Live Demo on ThemeForest ? (As long as your Live Demo provided with an image/page with some functions for purchase, in some extent it has implied your product has these functions for users to use)

    I don’t understand what’s wrong with it. It is appreciated if you could get back to me asap via a normal open email so that I can send a VIDEO to you for clearer demonstration of the issue !




    Attached please check the Video Link as below to see what the issue is:




    You do not need to edit with Elementor > Simply Edit the Post and In the Right Sidebar change the Featured Image.

    Screenshot for clarification:

    Also follow this guide:

    Best Regards.

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