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Missing phrases in the translation

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  • #359821


    it’s about the WOODMART WOOCOMMERCE LAYERED NAV widget
    – Any
    – Apply
    – Clear filters

    These phrases are in the POT file but do not translate on the page

    I am attaching a screenshot

    I have one more question, can you add a widget that would be displayed as a slider for numeric values?

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    These strings relate to Woocommerce which is why you cannot find them in the WoodMart PO.

    In order to translate the WooCommerce strings, you need to create a separate translation in Loco > Plugins > WooCommerce in the same way as shown in the video.

    Best Regards



    You are wrong.

    – Any – is in woocommerce and woodmart
    – Apply – is in woocommerce and woodmart
    – Clear filters – only available in Woodmart

    I have any files translated and it is not working



    Please update the theme to the latest version, if you have not done that yet (make the full backup of your site before the update) and synchronize translations.

    You need also to have the transaction for Woocommerce.

    Best Regards



    I have WoodMart 6.3.2 installed – is there a newer version available? WooCommerce also in the latest version. After entering Locotranslate, I click sync for each translation. Everything is translated in the files and nothing changes on the website.



    If I remember correctly, the translation of these phrases has not been working for 2 years or more



    The recent theme version is 6.3.1 please make the full backup of your site, update, and synchronize translations.

    Best Regards



    Your knowledge is out of date – The current version of Woodmart is 6.3.2 not 6.3.1 – Please refer the matter to the developers. This is a bug that has long existed in the theme

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    The theme version 6.3.2 was released almost simultaneously with the moment I was wringing you.

    In order to translate the WooCommerce strings, you need to create a separate translation in Loco > Plugins > WooCommerce these strings relate to Woocommerce, that is why you cannot find them in WoodMart.

    Best Regards




    Please try to understand me. I am not a beginner. If I report a problem, it means it exists. So again (I’m writing from a translator so try to understand)

    1 – The problem I am writing about has always been with this translation, so I used a different widget before.

    2- The widget in question is “WOODMART WOOCOMMERCE LAYERED” NAV and it is a widget belonging to the theme

    3 – You write that the phrases used in this widget come from Woocommerce. This is not true or not all. Woocommerce does not have the phrase “Clear filters”

    4 – Where did I translate these phrases:

    Loco> Plugins> WooCommerce
    – Any – translation “dowolna”
    – Apply – translation “zastosuj”
    – Clear filters – no phrase in the Woocommerce POT file

    Loco> Plugins> Woodmart
    – Any – translation “dowolna”
    – Apply – translation “zastosuj”
    – Clear filters – translation “wyczyść filtry”

    5 – As you can see the phrases are translated and synchronized and the “WOODMART WOOCOMMERCE LAYERED” widget is still not translated.

    Not of importance Whether the phrases come from Woocommerce or Woodmart, because these phrases are not used in this widget.

    6 – Understand the problem and pass it on to the developers



    I solved the problem – I deleted the translation files and generated them again. Now it works – sorry for the confusion, I guess you were right that the POT file is ok. Loco didn’t syphronize the files for what reason.


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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