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Missing String Translation (WPML)

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  • #555438


    Hi there

    We were able to translate the whole Theme with WPML, except of this string here which we can’t find in the “String Translation” of WPML: “You may also like…”

    This string is shown on each product page in case of Up-/Cross-Sell is enabled.

    Do we need to install LocoTranslate just to translate this missing sting? Or is there any other way to fix?

    Many thanks


    Hung Pham

    Hi axxo,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    You need to scan strings for Theme and Plugins before translating, please refer to our documentation for more details https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/how-to-use-wpml-with-woodmart/




    Hi there,

    Many thanks – but I did that already. In the private section you can find the login credentials to potentially help us to check this further.

    Many thanks


    Hung Pham

    Hi axxo,

    Thanks for details.

    This problem is very strange, when I remove the string on the email in the product description, everything starts to work https://monosnap.com/file/J9AXahttY9n7TA0ubVCkpqzEaVMFt6 https://monosnap.com/file/cWLRipY870REza8ZTA7rCoiCV63615

    Therefore, I kindly recommend you to contact the WPML plugin support team so that they can check this issue from their side.


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