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Mobile bottom navbar not showing

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  • #631444

    Milos Spasic


    We have a problem with the Woodmart theme, Mobile bottom navbar is not showing even it is turned on to be shown in theme settings.

    I really appreciate any help you can provide.


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    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    Please disable al plugins that aren’t related to our theme temporarily and switch to the parent theme so we can investigate this issue.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio


    Milos Spasic

    Will all settings in the child theme remain if we temporarily switch to the parent theme and switch back to the child theme?


    Artem Temos

    The only problem that may occur when you switch between themes in Appearance -> Themes is that widgets may lose their positions. It is a WordPress behavior and we are not able to fix this in our theme scope. Now, you need to go to Appearance -> Widgets and move all widgets to appropriate positions.
    As a workaround, you can backup your widgets configurations using this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/widget-importer-exporter/



    Milos Spasic

    We have disabled al the plugins that aren’t related to Woodmart theme and switched to the parent theme.

    Mobile bottom navbar is now showing. But that does not solve our issue.


    Milos Spasic

    We have switched back to the child theme and activated all the plugins and Mobile bottom navbar is showing.

    Our conclusion is that the theme has some bug with the settings it saves in the database, so those settings were reset when changing the theme.

    Do you have some any explanation for this?


    Artem Temos

    It can’t be caused by the fact that you switch the theme from child to parent. Most likely, you had some cache on your website which cleared when you disabled and enabled plugins.


    Milos Spasic

    But that is a dev site, we do not use any caching plugin on that site.


    Artem Temos

    Maybe you had some PHP error on your website but we can’t say exactly since it works correctly at the moment.


    Milos Spasic

    The issue is back again, take a look at PHP Fatal error that is showing up in error log ⬇️


    Artem Temos

    Please keep all plugins temporarily turned off.


    Milos Spasic

    All plugins that aren’t related to Woodmart theme disabled at the moment.
    The issue is still present.


    Artem Temos

    Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to fix this

    add_filter( 'aioseo_sitemap_exclude_posts', function ($ids, $type) {
    		$query = new WP_Query( [
    			'post_type'      => 'woodamrt_layout',
    			'post_status'    => 'publish',
    			'fields'         => 'ids',
    			'posts_per_page' => -1
    		] );
    		if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    			$ids = array_merge( $ids, $query->posts );
    		return $ids;
    	}, 10, 2 );

    Milos Spasic

    Done as suggested, it didn’t help.

    Also, AIOSEO is deactivated, PHP Fatal error is still showing up and Mobile bottom navbar is not showing .


    Artem Temos

    You need to disable the following option to fix the navbar issue https://monosnap.com/file/BHRu8j5r59wMAWBElPU2Cmv9nrcwEd
    And we don’t see fatal errors on your website at the moment.


    Milos Spasic

    We have disabled the suggested option.

    Mobile bottom navbar is now showing, but PHP Fatal error is back.


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, the code is commented now https://gyazo.com/71506f952037f76654929d3362d15139
    Could you please uncomment it and test how it works? If the error still appears, send us your FTP access.

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