I saw on woodmart demo that the mobile navbar menu contains 4 things (shop, wishlist, my account and compare).
When you click on shop, “filters” is added. How can I do that on my site please (ad another icone/choice of thing) and change the navbar content regarding differents pages.
Thanks a lot.
Unfortunately, there is no option to create a different navbar for different pages. At the same time, there is the option to add custom buttons. https://prnt.sc/tlb29c
Hi Elise,
Thanks for the answer.
My purpose is that I want to make the same as your demo, on the homepage 4 icones and in the shop page (after clicking) 5 icones (filters is now activ). As you did it in the demo I want to do it in my site…
Thanks a lot, but I am sorry to be so boring, but what I would like is a different mobile bottom navbar on the homepage and on the shop page, like on your demo.
Have a nice day.
You need to configure the navbar as shown on the screen and have the filter on the shop page. Have you done that? Please provide your site admin access to the private area I will check the settings and suggest.