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mobile menu not working at pages where I have AJAX Product Tabs element

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  • #148633

    Oriol Duarri


    I have detected that mobile menu don’t displays on my homepage, but in all the other website pages works correctly without problems,

    I’ve deactivated all plugins and the error remains

    Finally I disabled all the rows of the homepage and the mobile menu worked correctly, I started to active the rows one by one for detect which element was causing the issue and I’ve detected that the element causing it is the “AJAX Product Tabs”

    You can visit the homepage here with a mobile phone and try to open the mobile menu: mysexualfeelings.com

    And if you go to any other page, mysexualfeelings.com/contacto for example, you will see the mobile menu works with any problem, the cause is the AJAX Product Tabs element placed at the homepage, and I could appreciate that the AJAX tabs doesn’t works aswell,

    I can give admin acces if needed,


    Oriol Duarri

    Please, delete the domain if possible, thanks!


    Artem Temos


    I have just checked the problem and see that it works correctly on the home page even with ajax product tabs element https://gyazo.com/1e28af79d5d754b5072554bac9c60f0c
    Try to clear the cache and check how it works.
    And where do you want us to delete the domain?



    Oriol Duarri

    Hi guys,

    I’ve tried with different browsers and mobiles and I deleted caché and I can accurate you more the issue,

    The problem is appearing just on the first page load, when I load the homepage for first time and try to open the sidebar or click any tab of the AJAX product tabs it does not works, but, if you interact with the page and reloads the homepage, sometimes works and sometimes not, I attack you a video recording of my smartphone where you can see that the sidebar and the product ajax tabs aren’t working and for the end of the video you can see that the homepage reloads when I press the cart button and then all works correctly, I don’t have cache configured on the website, no css y js minification, no CDN,



    Artem Temos

    We see that there is some JS error caused by this code https://gyazo.com/6c3b90ac6fcd2679d5f9443874229bc4
    Could you please temporarily remove it and check again?


    Oriol Duarri


    I deactivated the plugin and now works correctly, but it’s so confusing, this tracking is the google analytics enhanced ecommerce tracking, why is this causing an error?


    Artem Temos

    You need to contact plugin’s developers in this case, since we don’t know why it doesn’t work. There is a JS error on iOS devices caused by their code and break other JS scripts.


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