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mobile not caching

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  • #623710


    Hi I’m having some issues with caching this website for a client. Its very stressful, I am not a techie person, I do design. Can someone please help? I initially had Litespeed cache on there but it messed everything up, then wp fast cache, that too did not work, the website disappeared. Now I just deleted all cache. The site is online now which is good. Under Construction is now turned off but still I cannot see the site on mobile. Its still showing the under construction page. A couple pages are delayed when loaded, they load different colors, and I have to refresh to see the color I had set. Please help.



    I see the custom CSS and Custom JS section of the theme. I can add code there if I knew what to add to test. Please let me know.


    Luke Nielsen


    I would like to request temporary admin access to look better at the settings there. Also, send the URL of the page where that issue occurs.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards



    Hi, sorry for the delay.
    Please check the single page: The header background is grey but it should be black…not updating.
    Scroll below you’ll see the related products and you’ll see the pricing is to the left but they should be centered… not updating.
    All collection pages shows the prices to the left and they should be to the right..not updating.
    I still cannot view on my mobile in Canada. When the website is online I’m still seeing the under construction on my mobile.
    I’m thinking of using the thank you pages from the theme but I’m super nervous if it will cause any issues.

    Here’s the admin access:


    Thanks in advance

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    Hi were you able to figure it out?



    Can you please let me know at what time EST you’ll need to access the site? The link provided was a temporary one. I can create another. However, I’m not sure when you’ll be requiring access exactly.


    Luke Nielsen


    I am working in the GMT+3 zone. Yep, please create an additional link because the above one is expired. Also, please past the access link to the private area (that is below the message area).

    Kind Regards



    Here’s a brand new link.



    I have to present this project to my client in 48hrs and I’m still seeing issues I can’t explain. Right now I just tried to add a blog using Elementor and every time I grab the text widget to drop it on the page it wiggles and flashes and does not drop. Its annoying. I had to try a dozen times just to create or copy any text. I don’t know if this has anything to do with this theme but this has never happened with any others. It has taken me 3 hours to do what I usually do in 15 to 30mins. I’m open to hearing a solution for this.



    Reference Prv message


    Luke Nielsen


    I apologize for the delay.

    1. I suggest you duplicate the current header – > https://prnt.sc/FS_n9-9BHECi then disable the “Overlap” functionality -> https://prnt.sc/o3bduw2Zza4q , and set the desired bg color -> https://prnt.sc/uOi0VoKmTsSH . After that, define that header for the Single product page via Theme Settings -> Single product -> Custom single product header: https://prnt.sc/Q1pIxUlxL8ty

    2. At the moment, I see that you have aligned the prices – https://prnt.sc/mmYE__6EiP3w

    3. When you disable the under-construction plugin, it should show the site well on mobile.

    4. Send me some screenshots of the issue in the Blog page.

    Thank you for your time and patience.

    Kind Regards



    OK. I don’t know how to duplicate the header of this theme.. where to find that and what to do with that duplicate? I saw your image you sent. If I select the “Header Fashion Colored” instead of the Overlap, not sure if it will cause a problem. These things I don’t know how.

    – To see the issue of the header, just go to a single product and slowly scroll up, you’ll notice the header turns grey, the continue down the page, at the bottom you’ll see the prices for Related Products are not centered. See attachment.

    *Please let me know which Cache plugin works perfectly for your theme.


    Luke Nielsen


    I have created a copy – https://prnt.sc/LBbK2YSbCzDk then assigned it to the product page – https://prnt.sc/2bgp0jon1Pn3 . In the copy header, I have defined a black bg – https://prnt.sc/ZSGoj9CqLc_3

    Now it works well – https://prnt.sc/IuDISI8Z5zHM

    As for the price, I see that you have aligned them to the center – https://prnt.sc/MxnlvlxUu33b . In general, you have such style for the products where the price aligned to the left – https://prnt.sc/ZvdeEjCuaOgl

    Kind Regards



    Thanks. The header color looks like its fixed now.

    -When the single product page is first loaded, scroll down you’ll see the related products. It shows the content is not centered. Please center this.

    Same with the collections pages. Check it out. You’ll see also, products there are also not centered on first load. Please fix. It will only load properly and centered well if I refresh my browser.

    Is this a cache issue?

    Please recommend a

      compatible cache

    for your theme because I don’t want any cache problems unless your theme comes with a cache.


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    These links are are not updating. Some product pages are still showing drop down for the sizes but majority of everything else is showing the right type of size list section. The correct product page size section is where the sizes are listed out. No dropdown needed. I’ve even tried deleting products and re-uploading them and its the same issue.

    See links and screenshots.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Luke Nielsen


    1. It’s not a cache, the custom CSS is not heavy enough, so first make this https://prnt.sc/7gJaQJJ9_qc4 one heavier and then recheck the issue. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Specificity

    2. Try to increase the “AJAX variation threshold” option in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Variable products: https://prnt.sc/x_BOGCelUZQ7

    Kind Regards



    OK I do not know ANYTHING about making CSS heavier or anything with AJAX. Why didn’t you guys have a disclaimer so customers like myself can be aware that this theme will require very technical savvy person? This is not normal. This theme has way too many issues, I’ve never seen before. I shouldn’t be having these issues with a theme!! This is ridiculous. Now you’re telling me to do coding. You’re assuming I can do this? I cannot.


    Luke Nielsen


    Here is the updated custom – https://prnt.sc/MMSxvftcOur8, clear the cache and check how it works now.

    As for the Specificity of CSS, those rules are general for all themes, it’s not something related to out theme only. The above code wasn’t provided by me, so that is why I asked you to edit it.

    Kind Regards



    Cache plugin showed no difference.



    These 3 link product pages are still in error.


    Luke Nielsen


    Update the temporary access link.

    I await your response.

    Kind Regards



    I believe I sent an update of the link earlier. You should be able to get in.

    So far I’ve installed WP Rocket as based on my research its apparently the only cache that works with your theme. However, still as you can see the issues are still there. Feel free check that out.



    Can someone please help to fix the issues?? It’s been too long now. I’ve done everything I can. If this doesn’t get resolved I’ll need to get my refund.



    My client really loves the site, its just those errors we need fixed please.


    Luke Nielsen


    Sorry for the delay.

    In each size attribute, the “Text swatch” option should be enabled – https://prnt.sc/Okq-w5qimoK8 then it will appear as swatches – https://prnt.sc/GgqINBExFWtA . You can enable it for other attributes – https://prnt.sc/hYGuaNA-Z5k8 so everywhere you will have swatches instead of a dropdown.

    Kind Regards



    Is that inside of WordPress?



    That worked out perfectly. Guys thank you very much for your help and patience with me on making this happen. The site is slow still but working fine now. I’ll keep you posted if anything crazy pops up.


    Luke Nielsen


    Glad that those issues are solved.

    In case you have any new questions, let us know. Thank you for your time and patience.

    Kind Regards

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