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Mobile & Tablet Menu not showing?

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  • #144359



    Whenever on a tablet or mobile, the header does not display any menu items.

    Please could you advise on how to fix this? Website link is attached.




    To display the menu in the mobile or tablet you need to edit your header from the Woodmart >> Header Builder >> Select your current header and then switch to the mobile layout. After switching to the mobile layout add mobile menu element in the “Main header” row and hit “Save Header” button as in the screenshot: https://screenshot.net/gmglxix

    Best Regards.




    I have done that and now the menu only shows the ‘Home’ and Blog options – not the product and why us pages that are on the normal menu bar.

    Do you know what is causing this?



    As you added the mobile menu for the mobile layout and you want to show the products because currently only Home and Blog is shown. As these are two different menus. One for the mobile layout and other for the desktop.

    You have to edit that specific menu which is selected as “Mobile Side Menu” and add the products or any other pages or custom links from the Appearance >> Menus.
    Screenshot: https://screenshot.net/7kozjbg

    Best Regards.

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