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Mobile View not correct for Google

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  • #128609


    Hi Woodmart Team

    I have an issue where google sais that the Sites are not mobile Optimised. After looking deeper into it, it is because on Mobile view, the Megamenu is getting crawled by Google. I think it ist not enough “hided” on Mobile view but i dont have an knowledge of those things.Could you take a look at it andH tell me what you think?

    Best Regards




    In general, our theme is already optimized and don’t have too many resources to make your website slow. Most likely, your website performance suffers from the content you have added to your website. It may happen in case of too many plugins, large not optimized images or other resources. So we suggest you to remove unnecessary plugins, install some kind of JS & CSS optimizing plugins like Better WordPress Minify and a caching plugin like WP Super Cache. Also, you can use GTmetrix tool to see what makes your website slow and optimize these parts of your website.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise

    Please look et the two Links i provided. Its nothing about Slow site. Google recognizes the Mega-Menu also also in Mobile View (wich is not correct, its not visible in Mobile view) so o think some Details in the code is not fully correct. Please look the the image (Link) i provided from the Webmaster Tools Page. There it is visible what i mean.

    Brg Jack


    Artem Temos

    It seems to be some problem with loading via google testing tool. But we can’t reproduce the problem and tested it on a few mobile devices.

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