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more menu levels in mobile

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  • #127842


    i have a serious issue. we want to use 3 levels of menus.

    Example: Tools > Electric tools > Steel cutters

    in the desktop view we managed to do it but on the mobile menu i see only 1 level “tools”

    we really need 2 more levels with easy navigation. please help. thank you in advance.



    Mobile menu does not support the mega menu blocks so you need to create a clone of your main menu and arrange the items in the menu and sub-menu items.

    Best Regards



    what do you mean create a clone? why?

    it supports only 2 levels? so i have to convert all my menus to 2 levels?



    If your main menu has mega menu blocks, you will need to create a clone as a mobile menu does not support mega menu.

    If your menu is configured as menu and sub-menu items, mobile menu supports 2 and 3 level menu.

    Best Regards

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