Thank you for your reply. I have set a different menu for desktop and mobile and now it’s working fine in the mobile view.
In the desktop view, I have set a mega menu and using HTML block I have added some images and text for that mega menu. Megamenu images are displayed on Homepage but not displayed on other pages like About Us, Contact Us etc..
Homepage: https://coderend.in/sole (https://prnt.sc/tgte1d)
About Page: https://coderend.in/sole/about-us (https://prnt.sc/tgtewu)
Contact Page: https://coderend.in/sole/contact-us (https://prnt.sc/tgtfk9)
On about us page, we have used some images but it’s not displayed on the frontend. If you edit page images are there but not showing on frontend.
About Page: https://coderend.in/sole/about-us (https://prnt.sc/tgthlz, https://prnt.sc/tgti52)