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Need support on chaning few UI components

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  • #648312


    I am using the Woodmart Vegetables theme and facing difficulty changing a few UI components

    1. How to change the colour of scroll bars on the home page. (image01)
    2. How to remove “add xxx to cart and get free shipping” from the shopping cart right side panel. (image02)
    3. How to change the colour of the thank you message on the “order complete” page. (image03)

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    4. Some categories won’t display the subcategories (image04)

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    Luke Nielsen


    1. The below custom CSS will help you to change the color of the scroll:

    body .wd-nav-scroll-drag:before {
        background: #333;

    2. Navigate to Theme Settings -> Shop -> turn off the Free shipping bar: https://prnt.sc/gAhYvlGAzuT8

    3. The below CSS is for changing the color of that message:

    .woocommerce-thankyou-order-received {
        color: blue;

    4. Send access to the admin panel so I can check that issue on your end.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you for the support
    Issue 1,2 and 3 has resolved


    Luke Nielsen


    1. You can also adjust the scroll via our Theme Settings -> Styles and Colors -> Carousell: https://prnt.sc/KRd2kuuaRcKA so if you want to adjust more flexibly, use an appropriate setting instead of custom CSS.

    4. Make sure that all categories/subcategories are assigned to some products – https://prnt.sc/kpvEqsHEhX4C then recheck the issue with appearance.

    Kind Regards

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