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New Lookup Table from Woocommerce

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  • #120120


    Will you support and how soon will you incorporate support for the new Lookup Table in WooCommerce 3.6
    Reference performance improvements in WooCommerce 3.6https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2019/04/01/performance-improvements-in-3-6/



    Do you mean the compatibility with the recent Woocommerce version? If yes, now our theme is working well with the recent version and we shall make it fully compatible in our nearest update. If it is not you mean, describe the issue in more details

    Best Regards



    I am not asking about the theme and design aspects, I am asking about a very specific new feature of WooCommerce 3.6 i.e. Lookup Tables
    When will you incorporate support for the new Lookup Table in WooCommerce 3.6?



    More specifically, when will you implement the query optimizations and updates associated with lookup tables.

    Product Data Lookup Tables
    Post meta is super flexible, but not that efficient when we need to sort or filter by many meta values at once. This is mostly down to the need to do multiple joins between the wp_postmeta and wp_posts tables

    Something our team has been looking at is moving data from post meta to custom tables to mitigate this. We actually have a feature plugin in progress to do just that, but it does introduce challenges such as backwards compatibility so it’s a long term project. To ship some improvements short term we’ve looked at an alternative approach…lookup tables.

    Lookup tables can be tailored to the needs of the application, making data available in a structured, efficient format, with correct indexes, without needing to move data out of wp_postmeta. Data is formatted and synced to the lookup table when a product is updated.

    The new product lookup table contains data we use for searching, sorting, and filtering, and the schema is as follows:

    product_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    sku varchar(100) NULL default ”,
    virtual tinyint(1) NULL default 0,
    downloadable tinyint(1) NULL default 0,
    min_price decimal(10,2) NULL default NULL,
    max_price decimal(10,2) NULL default NULL,
    onsale tinyint(1) NULL default 0,
    stock_quantity double NULL default NULL,
    stock_status varchar(100) NULL default ‘instock’,
    rating_count bigint(20) NULL default 0,
    average_rating decimal(3,2) NULL default 0.00,
    total_sales bigint(20) NULL default 0,
    The new lookup table is used by joining it to the main posts table (product_id maps to post id) when running queries.

    As an example, frontend sorting and filtering prior to 3.6 the queries was done by joining the wp_postmeta table to the wp_posts table and using ORDER BY and WHERE clauses on that data. Now we simply join to the new lookup table instead which should be more efficient.

    This can be useful during searches or when sorting by meta. Examples where this can be useful include:

    Stock reports
    Dashboard reports
    Sorting by X on the frontend
    Sorting by X in admin
    Searching by SKU in the backend
    Filtering by price



    The theme Shortcodes for products still use postmeta table on the query to order products. I need to know if you will add support for the lookup_table to optimize the order on the queries.


    Artem Temos

    Our theme is fully compatible with the latest version of the WooCommerce plugin. As for the shortcodes, they don’t have any problems with performance and this improvement is mainly useful for the shop page. We will rework shortcodes as well in the next update when we will be sure that the newest WooCommerce plugin has no critical issues and we can freely use these new techniques.



    Okay let me rephrase, yes it is compatible but my point is that it is not utilizing the performance features and enhancements that WordPress has released. We have over 500000 products do these are very important to use. queries are taking much much longer with the theme because it is still using the old tables versus lookup. You can do a quick fix to be compatible but in general customers upgrade to take advantage of new features so it is no exactly truthful to say it is compatible when it does not utilize the benefits.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, as we said we will start using them in the nearest future when we will be absolutely sure that it doesn’t have critical bugs. And even while they not integrated, it is just about shortcodes and they are used on static pages that should be cached. So it will not improve your performance anyhow.



    When will these updates be done. Is there a roadmap. Performance is atrocious.


    Artem Temos

    But when we check the WooCommerce code we see that they don’t use lookup tables in the shortcodes and actually our shortcodes works in exactly the same way. So there is nothing we should do in the update and our theme already fully compatible with WooCommerce 3.6.



    Artem please, this inefficient and misleading and deliberate lack of attention to detail. Please research. You argue with me since April 21, 2019 at 1:10 am when Ic reated this issue and no resolution. Just poor research



    Please take a look at these two links and reconsider your misleading statement that is causing further time expense. I have raised this issue for a while know and you keep posting misleading and il advised statements instead of fixing the issue




    Artem Temos


    You were talking about shortcodes before and we have answered you about the shortcodes too. As for the price filter, so please, check our theme filter widget’s code carefully. If you will do this you will see that we have already implemented lookup tables there https://gyazo.com/ff4bef3ee1e12b96645d630cca50a499
    Please, stop posting blame comments and if you will have any real issues, we are always glad to help you.

    Kind Regards

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