Home Forums WoodMart support forum “NEW” product label doesn’t appear on translated products via WPML

“NEW” product label doesn’t appear on translated products via WPML

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  • #573509

    Jeriss Cloud Center

    I use WPML to translate woocommerce products, but when we MANUALLY flag the original language product with the “NEW” label, it doesn’t appear on the translated products.

    Note : when the product is AUTOMATICALLY assigned as new by the theme settings, the label appears. But when the NEW is enabled within the product’s setting, then it doesn’t appear.

    Why? How can we make it appear?

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    Artem Temos


    Please, provide us with your admin access so we can log in and check this on your side.

    Thank you in advance.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Here it is


    Artem Temos

    Please send us a link to the product that is marked manually as NEW and the label doesn’t appear.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    See private


    Artem Temos

    Which one exactly has manually “NEW” label assigned?


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Produit 1


    Artem Temos

    This product doesn’t seem to be marked as New manually. Please check its settings in Dashboard -> Products.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    I already gave you screenshots showing you
    – the ORIGINAL product in french
    – the TRANSLATED product in English !

    Please go see the screenshots sent initially in this thread.

    You are checking the product in English, so of course the product isn’t marked as new there! That’s the whole point of my support ticket here.

    You have to check it in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE which means FRENCH for me. And I just checked again, YES the product is marked manually as new in the ORIGINAL FRENCH version.

    Now please investigate why this manual flag isn’t getting translated from FRENCH to ENGLISH with WPML Advanced Translation.



    Artem Temos

    We checked the french version of this product and it is not set to be “New”. Check the screenshot https://gyazo.com/629556771d2d7c03f1fd956ff39aac8a


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Maybe I forgot that I had removed for testing purpose.

    I have re-enabled it again, then translated the product via WPML Advanced Translation and still the issue is there.

    As per what I mentioned, couldn’t you just enable it and see by yourself? Why you have to make this so hard?


    Artem Temos

    You wrote that you enabled this, which is why we were confused.
    But in the EN version of the product it is disabled. So you need to enable it there as well.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    That’s not how it works.
    I am not supposed to manually edit translated products.

    The way it works is I have only to use WPML Advanced Translation, and everything should be translated, including your “NEW” flag => which is not being translated.

    I already contacted WPML and they said this is a custom flag from WoodMart, so please contact WoodMart to understand why this flag is not being translated.


    Artem Temos

    In order for it all to work automatically in the WPML settings, you need to set the following field to be copied https://monosnap.com/file/iXoNzMIC6k4EdRsPhRjXpzXCcLYmnP in this case it will all work. In the example, you can see that the label appeared automatically in product 1 on NL


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Ok thanks, please close this ticket

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