I have an issue just same as #284923 this post id who has the same problem with Klaviyo . I am also having issues synching the product data. The error is “a stylesheet “<link rel=”stylesheet” id=”wd-section-title-css” href=”…/wp-content/themes/woodmart/css/parts/el-section-title.min.css?ver=6.0.3″ type=”text/css” media=”all” />“” . This HTML code stops the synching the product data.
I have pasted this code as you have mentioned in the post to Theme Functions.php file at the end :
” function woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( $key ) {
if ( function_exists( ‘wc’ ) && wc()->is_rest_api_request() ) {
WOODMART_Registry()->pagecssfiles->enqueue_inline_style( $key );
But this did not fix the problem.
Can you please advise ?
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