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Newsletter – Field that will allow the user to subscribe the news

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  • #134031

    Henrique Valente


    Can you please help me solve the following “problem”:
    – I am using as much as possible all the basic settings of woodmart theme and at this moment I am not getting the popup news to present the field that will allow the user to subscribe to the news.

    What I want is that what appears to me currently on the site (see attached picture 1) is the same as what exists in your demo version (picture 2).

    Can you please help me?

    Best Regards

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    1. Find the correct shortcode in the plugin MailChimp for WP > Forms http://prntscr.com/oiwndq and http://prntscr.com/oiwnp6

    2. Find the HTML block which is used for the popup: Theme Settings > Shop > Promo popup

    3. Insert the correct shortcode into the HTML. If you do not have the form, you will need to create it.

    Best Regards


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