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Not all products are visible.

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  • #349371



    On my home page I have small “slider” where guest can see Best rated products, random products of some category (for example wine), last added products, etc..

    I set up to see 8 products (4*4) on the page. Then you can click arrow -> and see next 8 products.

    On the first slide I can see just 6 (sometimes) and on the next slide – 8.
    It means that products are enough in stock to be shown, just theme does not show them somehow.
    What can I do please?

    I choose option to hide products that are not in stock. Dont think it is an issue!? SHould not be…

    Can you please check it?

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    When I show all products (in and out of stock) then it looks OK. But I dont want to show on the page products that re out of stock, so it is a problem.

    You can hide all the out-of-stock products from the product catalog in Woocommerce > Settings > Product tab / Inventory, find ” Hide out of stock items from the catalog ” option and you will see how it works.

    Looks like theme issue? Other plugins dont affect it.



    When you hide the out of stock products then they are hidden in the tabs as well. That’s why the products are not displayed in the tab.

    Sorry but this is how it works by default. And there is no option in Theme Settings available to change the behaviour.

    As for our theme Elements we will add such options in our next theme update.

    Best Regards



    Can u tell me please when the next update will be reliesed?



    Sorry but we could not tell you the exact time but it will be released soon.

    Best Regards

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