Hello team Xtemos, I need a quick solution regarding the woocommerce plugin. Yesterday I am trying to update the receipient email and sender email at Woocommerce->Settings->Email. But unfortunately stops receiving emails at both the user as well as admin end. Means when we order something, A user gets an email from woocommerce that we have received your order or something like this (To acknowledge user about their order) & one that is received by admin that A new order has been placed/Congratulations for your order (User’s order details) etc. Those emails are not sending by woocommerce at all.
I revert the email settings to previous email (Since before updating emails in woocommerce settings, we are receiving emails at both the user & admin ends perfectly). But even after that not receiving the email. I had checked the admin & user email’s spam folder too. But not received there also. Kindly assist us with this issue.