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Off canvas column button (shop page & mobile bottom nav bar) not working

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  • #635752


    Hi colleagues,

    Recently the filter button on the mobile version of my website stopped working.
    Tried to update all template-related plugins, deactivate 3rd party plugins and play with the configurations in Theme Settings section.

    Inspecting the button both on the bottom nav bar and on the Product Archive shop (e.g. shop page), I can see it is redirecting to the shop page, no mention to a sidebar / filter widget…

    Moreover than that, I didn’t manage to find a way to use a different element/ widget for this manner – so fixing this seems to be the only option here… Can you please assist?

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    Luke Nielsen


    Is there any chance that you could give me access to the dashboard area so I can check the site settings?

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    Thanks for the quick reply!
    Can you give me an email address so I could create a dedicated admin user for you?


    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by aviranamos.

    Luke Nielsen


    Okay, here is –

    I await your response.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    I created an admin user for you, user name is your email.


    Luke Nielsen


    Instead of this https://prnt.sc/kC4PVuKAxMEn Sidebar, use just the Container, then you will be able to activate the Off-canvas sidebar.

    In order to activate the “Custom off-canvas sidebar” using Elementor, you need to do the following:

    1). Make a section with 2 columns/containers, one of them can contain the sidebar element or filter widgets and another will have your products element. https://take.ms/uti4Y
    2). Edit the “Sidebar” column and in its settings set the Column role for “off-canvas layout” as “Off canvas”: https://take.ms/puKlD . Also, specify which devices you want to apply this on: https://take.ms/ZljnG

    The column with the products should have the “Content column” value in the “​​Column role” field: https://take.ms/zC3J1

    IMPORTANT: both sidebar and content columns should have the same devices selected.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    Thanks for looking into the settings.
    Regarding your suggestion to remove the sidebar element and keep the container empty (see screenshot) – I did so, but it just removed the sidebar and nothing got populated in that section instead…

    Now, regarding the approach of a custom off-canvas sidebar – well, this is exactly what I had (a sidebar element with my filter widget).
    Anyways, I tried it all from scratch following your guidance and configurations (column roles etc.), now I can see the filter area again but it does not affect / fix the issue with the buttons and bottom nav bar.
    Also, how can I set both columns of the sidebar and the products to appear on the exact same devices? the whole idea it to show the filters area on a sidebar only on the desktop view, but on mobile version it should not be a static element, but open upon click on the off-canvas button, just like it was before…

    The problem resides with the mobile version of my website – as I mentioned, the buttons that opened the filters area (aka off-canvas button, both on the bottom nav bar and in products archive page) are no longer working, it just redirects to the shop page (second screenshot)

    Let me know if any other detail is missing.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by aviranamos.
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    Hey Luke,

    Just wanted to update that the issue is now resolved, I guess the role of the column (‘off-canvas’) fixed it.

    One last question if you don’t mind – is there an option to revert the selection of a specific filter?
    let’s assume I filtered according to 2 properties, now I want to remove property 2 and remain with the results filtered according to property 1 ?
    BTW, I didn’t manage to find a ‘clear’ button as well (which removes all selected filters)… I guess it can be achieved by a custom button that has a direct link to the shop page, but that is just a workaround.

    Waiting for your response,


    Luke Nielsen


    Use the “Active Filters” element – https://prnt.sc/AhvWDKBU0nuQ

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    I tried out this element several times but it never worked… Both inside a full width container and in the ‘off-canvas’ column sidebar container.
    Any chance you know what could be the issue?



    Luke Nielsen


    On my end, it shows – https://prnt.sc/_D4I9OZrtRXJ , https://prnt.sc/WchJ2Ki0wv6I

    I await your response.

    Kind Regards



    Nope.. can’t see anything although this element appears on Elementor (attached screenshots)

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    Luke Nielsen


    Please send me the URL on which you do not see that filter results area.

    I await your response.

    Kind Regards

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