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Off-Canvas Sidebar on desktop for pages?

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  • #330728



    in theme settings it is possible to activate off-canvas sidebar for WooCommerce shop für mobile, tablet and desktop separately. In the general main layout settings, there is only one setting for “mobile”.

    We want to activate off-canvas sidebar on all devices also for e.g. WordPress pages.

    When adding this code to the page, only a fullscreen semi-transparent black div is shown after the click:

    <div class="wd-show-sidebar-btn wd-action-btn wd-style-text">
      <a href="#" rel="nofollow">Show Sidebar</a>

    I also added the CSS codes mentioned in this support thread for testing purposes, but nothing changed.



    The thread you refer to relates to the shop and product page. Unfortunately, there is no option to set off-canvas sidebar for other pages.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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