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Only show 3 products at once

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  • #257961


    Woocommerce sometimes only 3 products at once.

    My site is set to show 15 products per page, but When you clic on the “Productos” few times, make error and show only 3 products.

    It only can “fix” clicking on 15/30 show items button, but at the mobile phone version, thoese buttons doesnt appear, so its impossible to change how many products to show.

    Its happens whit all plugins disabled, except Woocommerce, Woodmart core and elementor.

    I made a capture of the screen, please take a look.

    Also you can get in to the page and do it yourself to check this error.



    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin access so we could check it?

    Thank you in advance



    As you could see at the capture video attached at private zone, all plugins are disabled for the test.

    I need the web page working as long as possible, so I cant disable all the plugins if you are not checking.

    Now you have access, you can disable youself plugins that you need for check.



    Artem Temos

    We have tested your website and even after reloading the page a few times we still see 15 product per page https://gyazo.com/8bd51aea3d7ad58b4f002f321133dde2



    Did you do the procedure I tell here?

    I didnt talk about reload the page, please clic on “productos”, and repeat the operation, clic again on “productos”.

    Clic on “Productos” few times.


    Here is the capture of the problem, just made it now.

    The problem doesnt solved.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, and it is the same as reloading the page. Here is a video https://gyazo.com/6ae493ad6d5b0b0d6586e7c6c0703819

    Try to test how it works in an incognito Google Chrome window.



    You are right.

    As invite doesnt happen the issue.

    Only happens for loggin users so.

    Loggin and try, you can use your google o FB account, or a test account.


    Artem Temos

    It works with the test account also. Seems like the problem with admin account only. You can ignore it now and it would be fixed in our next theme update.




    Doesnt work.

    I just made other video capture, with test account.

    This problem is noticed from other users of the site.

    Also other admins has same problem, and we test the site disable plugins and more.

    Please check, I used test accoun user:test.


    Artem Temos

    Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to fix this

    function woodmart_products_per_page_action() {
    		if ( isset( $_REQUEST['per_page'] ) && 1 != $_REQUEST['per_page'] && ! isset( $_REQUEST['_locale'] ) ) {
    			setcookie( 'shop_per_page', intval( $_REQUEST['per_page'] ), 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, false, false );
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