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Order Detail Page CSS is not inheriting

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  • #506227


    Hello there we’ve made a website on WordPress with theme WoodMart – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme. We found some WordPress errors due to this error the Order Details page https://officetest.in/my-account/view-order/10359/ CSS is not loading properly please resolve the issue here we are sharing our website admin credentials and cPanel Credentials please let us know once it is done from your end. Thank You.


    Hung Pham

    Hi rishirichchoubisa,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Order details page looked well on my end, please double check.





    Hello there we’ve made a website on WordPress with theme WoodMart – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme. We found some WordPress errors due to this error the Order Complete https://officetest.in/checkout/order-received/10449/?key=wc_order_HrAGtsZrSj2Ky is not loading properly please resolve the issue here we are sharing our website admin credentials and cPanel Credentials please let us know once it is done from your end. Thank You.

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    Hung Pham

    Hi rishirichchoubisa,

    I kindly request you to conduct a check by keeping WoodMart Core and WooCommerce plugins activated. This is to ascertain whether the issue you are experiencing is due to our theme or not.

    Specifically, I have detected 500 internal server errors in Console log. Could you, please, provide me with server error logs to find out what error you have an help you to fix that?




    We have shared all the server and admin credentials to you please find whatever you need but fix it by today. I’ve attached the site health information here please fond the attachment apart of that if anything else you need just login to server or admin panel and get it from there we just want result.

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    Hung Pham

    Hi rishirichchoubisa,

    Thanks for sharing the details.

    I have just checked your site now at my end by switching the theme between Parent and Child, and the site is working perfectly fine. https://prnt.sc/63nSFFAtOCmo

    So, the issue is in the child theme. If you added any Custom Code in Child Theme then please check that code again with your developer OR delete the Child Theme and Create the new one.


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