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Page load optimization & Email list

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  • #72201


    The website looks amazing with this theme. However, I would appreciate some help to further enhance the performance. Thank you.

    1) When a product page or any other page loads, the visual structure breaks for a few seconds and then everything works fine. I am using WP rocket and 95% of the images are compressed with Smush plugin. See Image 1 and 2.

    2) How will the Popup collect emails? MailChimp is activated. That’s it? Will emails go to the MailChimp account? Where will I find the email list collected from popup OR How can I link it to MailChimp email list? I am still testing this, however.

    3) Javascript, please!. I already have opted Combine JS in theme performance but still, I get F in Gtmetrix. See Image 3. I am using WP rocket & very fewer plugins. Not more than 20 including the theme ones. When I combine JS with WP rocket, some theme components don’t work like “hover on product” hence I don’t use that.


    Artem Temos


    1. It looks like you moved all CSS files to the footer and it is natural behavior in this case. You need to keep the CSS in <head> tag.

    2. You need to configure your mailchimp account and connect it to your website. Find more information here https://mailchimp.com/integrations/wordpress/

    3. Try to combine all scripts with your optimization plugin except our theme.min.js and WordPress jquery.js library. All these external scripts come with installed plugins and WordPress. Our theme uses only a few files and they are already optimized.




    1) How can I do that? I didn’t touched the code. Is it something to be done with WP rocket?

    3) Please Enlist all the theme and wordpress query files that needs to be excluded. I will put them in WP rocket exclude section. Furthermore, if it doesn’t fix, I could contact WP rocket support in that case.


    Artem Temos

    1. Yes, probably caused by some of the plugins. Try to disable it for a moment to see the difference.

    3. Just exclude that two files we mentioned.



    1) So do you think I need to exclude Theme CSS files as well from WP rocket Panel? Because maybe WP rocket combines and put them in the footer. If yes, kindly enlist those files as well so that I can try excluding them and check the performance.


    Artem Temos

    1. Actually, all CSS files should be included in the head if you don’t want to see this ugly “jump” effect when your page is loaded.



    I understand. Anyways, Please LIST all the CSS files for the theme and also other CSS files on which it depends. I need to fine tune my WP rocket settings.


    Artem Temos

    So our theme uses our own CSS file woodmart-style, twitter bootstrap bootstrap and font awesome icons font-awesome-css.



    // This message is referenced with last 5 messages.

    See, I am not expert in all this. Please be a little more explanatory. That’s the reason I bought the theme 🙂

    I found these JS files on my FTP to be excluded in WP rocket.
    1) wp-content/themes/woodmart/js/theme.min.js
    2) wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js

    I need a confirmation are they the right ones?

    3) I see many CSS files in Woodmart. See Screenshot. But I don’t see those 3 files you told me. Can you help me find it’s URL in FTP?


    Artem Temos

    Yes, these are JS files that should be excluded.

    As for CSS, not all of them are used on your website. Just look into our theme’s CSS file, bootstrap and Font Awesome.



    1) Check my website right now
    2) Those two JS flies are put in excluded section.
    3) But still many Components don’t work such as Top revolution slider.
    4) I am using a Base demo version so you know what should work and what should not.

    My question is what else needs to be EXCLUDED?

    My second question is what are the exact names of those CSS files? I understand they are bootstrap and fontawesome. But what are the exact URLs of those files in wpcontent?

    I hope you are getting my question appropriately.

    Kind regards,


    Artem Temos

    We just checked and see that generated JS file contains an error and that breaks all the other scripts on your website https://gyazo.com/d5f37711413fd6a0f045ffdb17bf5f32
    So if you excluded our JS files then this error comes with some of other plugins scripts or your optimization plugin doesn’t work correctly.

    CSS files:



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