1. I cloned my development website into an active website. Now I see PHP errors on the active website, and the development page from which I copied the page does not have this error. https://prnt.sc/DxXuD4WvLNc_
2. I update my development Woodmart theme 6.2.4 –> 6.3.3
2.1 Woodmart theme update change quantity input size
Product page – https://prnt.sc/9_vaUCf2t07X
Widget – https://prnt.sc/ORLnv6MbZlCi
Cart – https://prnt.sc/vnOq4FV9VaNA
2.2 Yith request a quote cart layout change – https://prnt.sc/EL0q3vRVlmTw
2.3 Product hover image not responsive – https://prnt.sc/Yog5fp5bmhUf
2.4 Checkout page in mobile view row margin – https://prnt.sc/Lar9c6rCNPHl
3. I want to change PHP 7.4 –> PHP 8.0. Woodmart Theme support that?
Thanks for the help