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Picture that changes on variation product

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  • #226164


    Hello there,

    to be more clear versus our customers, we’d like to show only the pictures of the variation product inside the gallery on product page.

    Actually clicking on the variation we can see only one picture different, while the others pictures that are referring to the general product remains the same. In some cases it could cause some confusion to the customer.

    For example: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/lighting/montes-scelerisque/

    So I ask you if there is a way to show only the pictures of the variation inside the product page.



    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but there is no such option in our theme and WooCommerce by default. It may require additional code customization or extra plugin but we don’t have an instruction for this. It is out of our theme support scope.




    IMHO your goal should be to make a template that sells 😊

    If the customer selects a variation, the web site should shows only the pictures related to the variation. Otherwise the customer could do not understand which is the right product.

    You always worked hard to improve your theme with useful new features, so I hope that you will can fix also this little issue.



    Artem Temos

    We will consider this as a feature request. Thank you!

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