Home Forums WoodMart support forum Please add new single product page ‘accordion tabs’ to layout importer

Please add new single product page ‘accordion tabs’ to layout importer

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  • #598426


    Hey guys, just bought the theme and loving it so far.

    My client wants to use the new accordion tabs layout shown here (I noticed in the menu it shows ‘new’):

    In wp admin, in layouts > single product tab, I can’t find this layout to be able to import? I think it’s because it’s a new layout?

    Can you guys please add it so I can import it šŸ™‚

    Thank you!!


    Luke Nielsen


    In the settings of the Product tabs element select the “Accordion” layout here – https://take.ms/Vu9Cu

    Clear the cache and check how it works.

    Kind Regards



    Ok great thank you! I ended up using a similar layout and changing the product tabs to Accordion.


    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! In case you need any additional help, Iā€™d be more than happy to assist you.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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