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Please check console

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  • #576521


    Please check console it showing error, I don’t know why. How to solve them….

    Jquery not defined
    Cannot read properties, etc…..

    Please guide




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    Hung Pham

    Hi hardik119955,

    According to the screenshots, it’s clearly that caused by cache issues. You should Purge cache from plugins / CDN or disable it and check again, deactivate all plugins (except Required Plugins) and then reactivate them one by one. This makes it very easy to isolate the plugin causing problems.




    Well its Slider revolution & came after using deferred and delay javascript execution functionality while taking care of all must needed exclusions as mentioned by wp rocket and Slider revolution.

    But still the console showing errors and my Slider is also not working just display blank screen.


    Hung Pham

    Hi hardik119955,

    Delay JS execution may caused JS issues, you need to turn off one by one options in cache plugins to find root cause of issues.

    With this kind of errors, I can’t give you more better solutions via screenshots only.




    Well tried all the stuff than only I reached out to you guys , after all you suggest such solutions then its not fair enough. Like have done all the stuff you said to me purchase wp rocket too as your theme suggests now still have such trouble with slider revolution which is the first and foremost stuff on my website and many of your theme templates too…. its all marketing game I can easily see all they want me to purchase premium Slider revolution licence. This totally unfair….. please do support the stuff which is really good and better for end user not such that creates mess at every stage to the first person (developers) and then end users (customers/visitors)

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