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Plugin update and site crash on 25.02.2022. Please help me.

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  • #355987


    Hello. Today (25.02.2022) when I was trying to translate my site to my country’s language, the stock status title in the product filter field appeared in English and I wanted to fix it. I’ve searched in many places I’m using Loco Translate but there was no title there. Then I found out that woocommerce has a blog. I found the title I was looking for in the shop filters section of the Appearance> Components section. At that time, a new update notification for add-ons caught my attention, and when I checked, I saw that there were updates for important add-ons. I updated the plugins without continuing my work. Since I can’t see the error messages later, I’m sharing its location. (Picture 1) The messages mention blocks and say “Error, xxx block was affected by bugs and may not work properly. Check the developer tools for more details.” was writing. I just thought of the plugins that I just updated and while closing and opening them one by one, I went to the shop filters section (Picture 2) on the View>Components page and waited for the errors to come back. Errors came again when WooCommerce and Woodmart Core were open at the same time. In the meantime, I do not change any settings, I just enable and close the plugins and refresh the View>Components page. To be sure, I turned off and on other plugins while WooCommerce and Woodmart plugins were open, the previous errors were gone, but I noticed very important problems. The filter field on the left side of the products page has disappeared. In addition, the logo on the left in the footer area, the address section below it, and the recent posts area in column 2 have been deleted/disappeared. I didn’t delete or remove anything. (Picture 4)

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    The issue with the filters and the footer widgets seems to be caused by the widgets not saving correctly.

    Please install the classic widgets plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-widgets/ and try to re-add the filters and content in the footer widgets. Because the latest wordpress widgets block functions don’t allow widgets to save correctly.

    Best Regards



    I can install the classic widget plugin, but I didn’t add the blocks to the previous widgets, I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know which block should be added to the classic widget and where, and I don’t know which blocks are missing/deleted at the moment.



    The filters in the shop filters area are added using the Woodmart Woocommerce Layered nav.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/9895f81118cdfbcac244b6dd63b73f6a

    And the logo and the recent posts are added in the footer columns.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/1842f5b972bddeab8caedc1872693ea1

    Best Regards



    Hi, the same problem happened, but installing Classic Wegets didn’t help. I removed all widgets from the display, then installed and activated Classic Widgets. Then I added widgets again. And still everything works terribly. Help please.

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    Thank you, I think I’ve done everything. The problem was in the WP Fastest Cache Premium plugin. After deactivating all third-party plugins, I activated them one by one. I hope this helps someone else.

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    We are Glad that you managed to fix the issue yourself.

    Best Regards


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