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  • #316602

    Esteban AB

    Hi! I have quite advanced the development of my site, and it is likely that for a time I will not introduce major modifications other than the addition of products and the update of the corresponding data. Until now, I have not used some of the plugins that are delivered together with the theme. For example MailChimp for WP and Slider Revolution. Given this, I consider that it is surely a healthy attitude to deactivate and eliminate these plugins, if one takes into account that this decision can positively affect performance and consequently SEO.

    That said, I would specifically like to ask you which of ALL the plugins provide by you are free versions available at https://wordpress.org/plugins/ and which ones are paid. I understand that Slider Rev is the case, but I would like, if it is possible, for you to confirm it.

    The second query, and related to the above, is if I will have the possibility to install and activate the paid plugins in the future. If they will continue to be available as well as the new versions of the Woormart Theme.

    Finally, I can only say that I am very happy to have chosen your theme. You have done and do a wonderful job. THANK YOU!!!



    The set of plugins required to ensure WoodMart functionality:

    Woodmart Core (functionality theme plugin) this plugin is WoodMart exclusive plugin, it is officially free, however, you can get this plugin only with the WoodMart theme and it would not be applied elsewhere.

    WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution slider come bundled with our theme but they can’t be activated with our purchase code. Actually, you don’t need to do this. Only in case you want to get free premium support from its author, you can purchase it from Codecanyon. But it is not necessary since we will always provide you with the latest updates in Appearance > Install plugins.

    Elementor free plugin

    WooCommerce free plugin

    MailChimp for WordPress – free plugin

    Safe SVG free plugin

    Contact Form 7 free plugin

    You have a lifetime license for the WoodMart theme. Each theme update contains updated plugins attached. You can use them on your site together with the theme.

    We appreciate your warm feedback, you can share your impression about our theme leaving 5 stars review on http://themeforest.net/downloads in case you are satisfied with our theme and customer service

    We are always happy to help you, write to us when you have any difficulties or issues with our theme.

    Thank you in advance

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