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portfolio image preview

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  • #161088

    Michal Krenek

    there is some possibility that portfolio item take automatically image in 1:1 ration that whole image?

    My goal is to keep “square appearance” and do not resize all pictures manually.
    Thank you



    Try to change the design in the Theme Settings > Portfolio > Portfolio Style

    You can achieve the square images by selecting “Show text on mouseover”

    Best Regards


    Michal Krenek

    It doesnt work:(

    i have image 4:3, i know that wordpress create square preview but i dont know ho to setup portfolio page that it should take square preview and no 4:3 image.



    Please provide your site URL I will check what is possible to do. If your site is under maintenance, please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards

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