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Possible to hide slider on mobile?

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  • #329685



    Is it possible to hide the Woodmart Slider on mobile devices? I don’t see this option in the Woodmart Slider settings. I only see the option Hide on Mobile in Elementor when editing the slide, but this does not hide the slider on mobile, only certain elements of the slider. I want to improve mobile page speed, so this is important. Thanks.

    Also, please can you let me know the recommended settings in Woodmart to optimize for mobile page speed and loading times? I am already using WP Rocket, but if you could let me know the best settings in Woodmart Core settings as well as WP Rocket for mobile optimisation, that would be appreciated.



    You need to hide the section that contains the slider on mobile in the Adavnced and Responsive tab.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thanks, that worked now.

    Also, please can you let me know the recommended settings in Woodmart to optimize for mobile page speed and loading times? I am already using WP Rocket, but if you could let me know the best settings in Woodmart Core settings as well as WP Rocket for mobile optimisation, that would be appreciated. I am only getting a score of 34 at PageSpeed Insights for Mobile, yet a score of 96 at PageSpeed Insights for Desktop.

    Also, I am using an SSL Plugin and have the secure padlock on all desktop browsers enforcing https. On the mobile browser Samsung Internet, the connection is also secure with padlock. However, on the Firefox Mobile browser, the connection is insecure, even though the url starts with https. Please let me know why Firefox mobile says the connection is insecure and how I can fix it.


    Artem Temos


    In general, our theme is already optimized and doesn’t have too many resources to make your website slow. Most likely, your website performance suffers from the content you have added to your website. It may happen in case of too many plugins, large not optimized images, or other resources. So we suggest you remove unnecessary plugins, install some kind of JS & CSS optimizing plugins like WP Rocket. You can find our guide about how to optimize your website built with our themes here https://space.xtemos.com/wordpress-performance-optimization-the-ultimate-guide-in-2021

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio


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