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Filter widget issues, argh!!!

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  • #179664


    Hello, please help!! I am having terrible problems with the layout of my shop filters. I found the following code to take out the two stupid stationery filters in the top widget:

    and that’s great, but now the widget only displays the other items on half the page only, with the other half blank. How can I fix this please?

    I also want to display the ‘sort by’ feature all the time as a dropdown, but when I select to show the search widgets at all times, this disappears from the listing above, and if I add it in the widget, it’s not a dropdown and takes up too much space. How can I keep it there as a dropdown alongside the other search items?

    (The only option I came up with was using HTML blocks, but the price filter from the blocks doesn’t work in categories, only in the main shop page – it takes you back to that page and I don’t want that to happen. I can’t see any way to resolve it, either.)

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos


    Add the following snippet to the functions.php file in the child theme to remove standard sorting and price filter widgets correctly

    add_action( 'wp', function (){
    	add_filter( 'woodmart_use_custom_order_widget', '__return_false' );
    	add_filter( 'woodmart_use_custom_price_widget', '__return_false' );
    }, 10 );

    Send us some screenshots of other problems you have as well as your website link.

    Kind Regards



    Do you mean I have to make a child theme of my own and add this? Um, I think that’s a bit beyond me… I’m not that smart!

    I think I have sorted it now to where it’s acceptable. I have had to compromise on a few things that just don’t work as they should, but I will see how I go and if I’m not happy with them I will ask then for some more help. There’s a few odd things in this theme that are very hard to find and update/correct/change, but it’s overall very good.

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos

    Sure, contact us if you will have any questions. But as for the child theme, you can download it from ThemeForest and install it easily. You don’t need to have any coding skills for that.



    Hi Artem! I went back and added the child theme and the details above, which works great thank you, but now I have these odd little boxes that have appeared on my menu where there are sub menu items, see attached. Any ideas on how to remove these?? Thank you, your help is great! From Flossy!
    PS – I am using Chrome on a Mac.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin access so we can check it?

    Thank you in advance



    Thanks, Artem. For some reason it seems to have repaired itself. Not sure how, but I guess I did something right! Appreciate the assistance, cheers!


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that the issue solved now.

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