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price on variable products

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  • #246375


    I would like that in variable products only one price is displayed in the store, and this varies when its characteristics are changed.



    You need to enable the option “Hide to price” in the Theme Settings > Shop page

    In this case, the lowest price would be displayed.

    Best Regards



    I would like the price and description to change according to the variation, and not stay the same price and description at the top.

    I send you an example.

    Please your support

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    The default Woocommerce does not allow to change the description on variation. Actually, variation is one and the same product differing in one or several attributes.

    As for the price, the variation price should appear in the button. You could disable this option in the Theme Settings > Product page > Remove duplicate price for variable product

    There is no option to change the upper price as well.

    Best Regards



    ok, thank you


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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