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Problem sorting products by number of comments

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  • #484691


    Hello, I want to sort the products in the widget I added to the picture according to the number of comments, but it does not work. How can I get the most commented products in related products to be ranked first?

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    Please select the data source related product and select the order by number of comments.

    Then clear the cache and check the issue.
    If the issue remains, share the wp admin logins details of your site i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    In the photo you took, top rated product appears to be selected. Do I do it this way?



    Please share the wp login details of this site i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    I shared login information. Let the products related to the product I want be shown, but the products with a high rating or comment for that product should be shown first. However, if there is no product with a high rating in the products related to the product, it should be shown in the normal order. Do not show irrelevant products if there is no rating on the products related to the product.



    When you select the data source Related (Single Product) and select the order number of comments. If there is no order of commented products then it will show the only related product. You can try to change the other order type and you will see the results.

    Hope you can understand!

    Best Regards.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)