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problem with add to cart in product grid element

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  • #340539


    Hi, please see the video. Adding a product to cart in the product grid element doesn’t:

    1. open the hidden sidebar cart (It’s not the same when I add a product in the single product page, it opens the hidden sidebar cart.)

    2. the quantity bubble is not updated until refreshing the page.

    I already enable ajax add to cart in the theme settings.



    Please deactivate all the third party plugins and provide the login details of the website.

    Best Regards



    Conflict with slider revolution. Afer deactivating slider revolution, it works normal. I’ve tried this https://www.sliderrevolution.com/documentation/advanced-module-settings/ but it doesn’t solve the issuel.

    Here is the login credentials


    Artem Temos

    Please, disable all external plugins and switch to the parent theme temporarily so we can check.



    Good afternoon, tell me please, we need to display the options as per the customer’s layout here https://prnt.sc/23u7i1f
    where is the directory file? and how is it possible to edit it? for the earlier thanks for the answer sincerely



    Please login to check, I’ve deactivated all plguns and swtiched to parent theme.


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, it works correctly at the moment https://gyazo.com/6fe12b801840710745417bc53b541fc9



    Yes, I said already “Conflict with slider revolution. Afer deactivating slider revolution, it works normal. I’ve tried this” Did you activat slider revolution and try?


    Artem Temos

    Yes, we tested with the Slider revolution plugin activated.



    No, it’s not working here is the proof https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hd3E-dDj-HJWrvxz6vY9B4XNXK0ooGLe/view?usp=drivesdk .

    And another question: The drowndown hover doesn’t show the product when I am at cart page and checkout page. It shows nothing when I hover mouse over the cart button. Here is the video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XXSg4LSt-pJDh1EBOP5RdiBa0g7OqGp8/view?usp=drivesdk. I’m not sure if this is normal behavour.


    Artem Temos

    As we can see, it works on the shop page but doesn’t work on the home page, right? Please, send us your FTP access so we can check what is wrong.



    It work fine in the shop page, yes it doesn’t work in homepage. I have slider revolution on the home page, may be conflict bause after deactivate slider revolution it works normal.

    Here is the ftp


    Artem Temos

    It looks like the Slider Revolution breaks core WooCommerce script. It doesn’t work correctly with the default theme as well.
    Try to remove all sliders from your home page one by one and find which one causes this problem.
    Also, we can’t troubleshoot your website JS files because of some kind of cache on your server. Most of our changes simply can’t be seen on the frontend.






    Hi, my home page becomes like this https://www.dropbox.com/s/k851pmnb8v66eks/noname22.png?dl=0. What’s wrong?



    I remeber I have ever reported this to you already as can be seen in one of my reply here https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/shop-page-shortcode/


    Artem Temos

    Please, activate the WPBakery page builder and WoodMart core and test how the home page works.
    Also, still need to remove all sliders and add them one by one to identify the slider that causes this problem.



    WPBakery page builder and WoodMart core are activated but your wpbakery theme element seems to has an issue. After switching between themes and deactivate and activate plugins, your theme element just break. It shows only wpbakery code. This also break my setting.



    And after removing slider revolution one by one, I’ve found the issued silider. When you go to slider revolution, look for slider name: sellslide. There is code in the text layer. After removing it, the cart works fine. How does it conflict with this code. I neede to use this code for whatsapp contact.

    Can you go have a look the code in that slider? I cannot post it here.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Shiba.

    Artem Temos

    Yes, it looks like this code breaks the functionality somehow. Sorry, but we don’t know exactly what is wrong with it. And fixing third-party codes is not in our theme support scope.

    As for WPBakery, it looks like these shortcodes are added using Text element. We don’t know why it happened, probably, you have resaved the page somehow and converted these elements to text. Now you need to recreate them or copy their shortcodes to the right place in the “text” editor of this page.


    Artem Temos

    Hi @zdravurrr

    Please, create a separate topic for your query.

    Kind Regards



    Regarding the wpbakery, this is not a text element. If you go to the edit home page, you will see the names of the elements that have the issue. They are your theme elements such as: “image or svg”, “product categories”, “section divider” I add on that page.

    I also have slider revolution element and ajx search pro element on that page too but they have no such issue.

    I did nothing, just switch between themes and deactivate/activate plugins. As I said, I already reported this issue to you in the other topic. And I’ve never seen this issue in my wpbakery experience.

    Recreating it again breaks my time as I’ve done this before already.


    Artem Temos

    They are in the text block now. Please, check the video https://gyazo.com/c9a04e0037a80919dee89a8e37f2acda

    You just need to copy these elements, switch to text editor and place them somewhere in the column, not in the text block shortcode.



    I mean nromally it’s not the text block like this. What you mean “place them somewhere in the column, not in the text block shortcode.”


    Artem Temos

    Yes, but somehow it is now translated to text block. Probably, when the WPBakery page builder was disabled you switched between text and backend editor, but we can’t know exactly.


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