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Problem with AJAX Product Filter from another developer

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  • #103428


    I want to use Ajax Product Filter from another developer instead of yours. But this plugin didn’t correct worked with AJAX request with your Woodmart theme. All AJAX request return EMPTY. But this plugin work perfectly on many other WP Themes for example.

    How can we fix this situation? Maybe you use your own AJAX-request scheme? What the another developer should do for successful compatibility with your Woodmart Theme with Ajax requests?


    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but we didn’t test our theme with this plugin and didn’t guarantee its full compatibility. We don’t know how it works and its codebase so it is hard to say why it doesn’t work with our theme.

    Kind Regards



    Can you test it? I can send you for testing.


    Artem Temos

    As we said, we didn’t add this plugin compatibility since we have our own AJAX filters. If you need this plugin and it doesn’t work well, you need to contact plugin’s developers or do this customization on your own. Such kind of customization is out of theme support scope https://themeforest.net/page/item_support_policy



    Your AJAX filter has a HUGE flaw and problem for me.
    I try to describe you:
    1) I have 40 goods categories.
    2) In each category I used about 50 attributes for goods only used in this category exactly.
    3) In your AJAX product filter I should add HUGE number of widgets to “Shop page widget area” for all 40 category. And in this case in each category I will have own set of group with necessary attributes.

    In other Ajax filter from another developer, I will create set of group filters by any criteria (price, attributes, roles) for each category from my 40 categories and in widget “Shop page widget area” I will use only one block.

    Maybe you can suggest me another decision for correct setting your AJAX plugin filter?



    Artem Temos

    You can try to create additional sidebars with different filters widgets and use them on different categories using this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/woosidebars/




    Use this plug-in. You can assign different widgets to specific categories so that each category can show the right attributes for your products.




    woosidebars do it the same but it’s free. Am I right?




    Content aware sidebars is also free with a PRO version that you don’t need to use. It is better and newest plugin with better conditional functionality and is working flawlessly with woodmart theme.

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