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Problem with attributes / mobile RTL

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  • #161806


    Have 2 questions:
    1- I have added attributes and terms for my products but the numbers are flying over the image. How to solve that?

    2- On mobile when I press on burger menu to open the main navigation in Arabic (RTL) the menu open from left not the right side. How to flip it?

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    1. In order to deactivate the attribute, navigate to Products > Attributes > enter the attribute and disable “Show attribute label on products”

    2. Try to enable RTL in the Dashboard > WoodMart > CSS Generator.

    Best Regards



    1st issue got solved but for the 2nd one when I enable RTL a lot of stuff got missed up. I didn’t notice this option from the start. But still when I open from mobile I get the swipe from the left not the right.

    Anyway to solve it?



    Please navigate to Woodmart > Header builder http://prntscr.com/iyd2pe

    Choose the proper header type (your current) http://prntscr.com/iyd333

    Switch to the mobile view of your header http://prntscr.com/iyd3v3 enter the mobile menu element and set the side of the sidebar.

    Best Regards

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