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Problem with cart wp rocket

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  • #331851


    Hi, we are working with WP Rocket and we noticed that customers see the same two product in their side shopping cart widget. When they go to the actual shopping cart it’s empty. It probally has to do with WP Rocket since the problem is gone when we turn of WP Rocket but do you by any change know how we can exclude the sidebar shopping cart, what is the direct pad tot the php file? What could be causing this? Could it be product related? It’s always the same two product that show up. We already tried to:

    – Empty WP Rocket cache
    – Empty WooComemrce transient and shopping cart cache

    Hopefully you have a couple of suggestions, thank you

    Best regards, Tim


    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin access so we can check it?

    Thank you in advance



    Hi, it is a live environment with a lot of daily transactions, so I cannot do this. We can make a test environment for it, but this took 2 hours of work. Can’t we do it on another way? Is it not possible to exclude script (which script?) of the shopping cart sidebar which generate this cart? When we click on cart it says the cart is empty.


    Artem Temos

    We use WP Rocket on our demo and it works well with the cart functionality.
    Maybe there are some other plugin conflicts with WP Rocket. Please, create a staging environment if you can’t disable plugins on your live website.



    i got the same problem. Was there any solution for it?

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