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Problem with product image carousel

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  • #127126


    Often the first image of the product is displayed with a height of about 20px, returning to normal as soon as the page is updated or starting to browse the gallery. How can I solve it?


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    When I uploaded the page the main image was big. I tested on Opera, Firefox and Chrome. I see that first of all the gallery has been uploaded and then the main image, but it is big.

    How can I reproduce the problem? Try to deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and check again.

    Best Regards



    I can’t reproduce the problem on command, but it happens to be all browsers and on all devices. I saw that other users also had the same problem. Since the site was developed a long time ago, I don’t remember where I made changes. Could you tell me which to upload the correct file and which exactly without updating the whole theme?
    Thank you

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    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access as well as FTP to the private area.

    Make the full site backup. Please confirm the permit to reinstall the theme.

    Best Regards



    As I have already explained, the theme has been modified in some of its parts that I don’t remember which, so I can’t reinstall the theme. Certainly, however, it has not been modified in the section where the problem occurs. I would just like to know which theme file I need to update to fix that error. I can’t update the whole theme.
    Thanks for your help



    Reinstall the theme. Our support does not cover issues caused by theme files modifications.

    If you want to modify the theme, add the custom code to the child theme.

    Best Regards



    I understand that once modified it is not your job to provide support, but I assure you that I have not entered anything in that part, except to add the custom fields. I paid the support again to get some help, I had understood the theme again even by myself. I would at least like to know from you which file speaks of that specific section of the images, in case I try to reinstall only that part. Then as I understand it I’ll try to find the solution by myself, but at least some indication would be welcome or at least explain what the problem could be. I saw that other customers also had the same problem and in addition it occurred also localhost with the theme not yet modified.
    Thank you



    Try to deactivate “Main carousel auto height” in the Theme Settings > Product Page > Images.

    Best Regards


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