I have two license for woodmart. I face different problems. But I wanted to ask in one post.
1- When I try to update theme I face “Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature” error.
2- In other license I updated theme to latest version but WpBakery page builder cannot be updated.
1- Couldn’t solve problem. Still cannot update theme for this license
2- No, couldn’t update wp bakery for his license. I think you couldn’t understand problem. 1. and 2. problems are for different licence and sites. In this license I updated theme to latest version. But can’t update wp bakery builder. theme update problem for other license(1. problem) As for the WPBakery page builder, you will be able to update it after the theme update via Appearance -> Install plugins.
Please, repeat the first two steps and send us your admin access and purchase code so we can check. After the theme update, you will be able to update the WPBakery page builder too.