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Problems with cart and payment gateway.

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  • #44667


    Hi I have problems with theme, I have updated the woocommerce to the latest version 3.3.3. but there is are outdated files for woocommerce templates in woocommerce status. I am getting this errors on my checkout page:

    [07-Mar-2018 22:59:32 UTC] The WC_Cart::get_remove_url function is deprecated since version 3.3. Replace with wc_get_cart_remove_url.
    [07-Mar-2018 22:59:32 UTC] The WC_Cart::get_item_data function is deprecated since version 3.3. Replace with wc_get_formatted_cart_item_data.
    [07-Mar-2018 22:59:49 UTC] PHP Warning:  Missing argument 2 for add_agentcash_order_fields() in /home2/klimeonl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/agentcash-payment-gateway-v1.2.0/agentcash-payment-gateway.php on line 349
    [07-Mar-2018 23:00:02 UTC] PHP Warning:  Missing argument 2 for add_agentcash_order_fields() in /home2/klimeonl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/agentcash-payment-gateway-v1.2.0/agentcash-payment-gateway.php on line 349
    [07-Mar-2018 23:00:10 UTC] PHP Warning:  Missing argument 2 for add_agentcash_order_fields() in /home2/klimeonl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/agentcash-payment-gateway-v1.2.0/agentcash-payment-gateway.php on line 349
    [07-Mar-2018 23:00:58 UTC] PHP Warning:  Missing argument 2 for add_agentcash_order_fields() in /home2/klimeonl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/agentcash-payment-gateway-v1.2.0/agentcash-payment-gateway.php on line 349

    After i updated the cart template the mini-cart and cart are broken. I am not certain what part is causing the error at this point.

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    Artem Temos


    As we can see from the errors in your message, they come with some of the extra plugins installed and not related to our theme.




    Ok, that is fine i will see with them. But there is other topic as I mentioned (image in attachment) there are outdated files in parent theme and when i try to update them from woocommerce site for instance cart, it gets broken.

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    Artem Temos

    Please, update the theme to the latest version firstly. RegardsTo update the theme you need download the latest version on ThemeForest -> Downloads. Then just reupload new theme via Appearance -> Themes but install this plugin firstly https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-theme-and-plugin-upgrades/
    Also, we suggest you make a backup of all your files before any update.

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