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Problems with header builder after lates update

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  • #123246



    I had setup my header which went just great. Then after latest theme update i tested some plugins, found some issues and deactivated everything (also theme) while testing. After i activated theme and plugins i had lost the header settings and had to rebuild it again.

    But now when saving header in header builder the mobile header settings per row and sticky option is overwriting the desktop header or opposite depending on which saving last.

    So i am not able to get back my old header style.




    The most settings relating to sticky and showing/hiding on mobile are the same in both desktop and mobile. Please clarify now what would you like to configure in your header and cannot do?

    Best Regards




    Yes i see that today when study the documentation but, and this is really wierd as it is more than a week ago since i purchased theme and header was one of the first things i did setup. I had it just as it is now with sticky header in desktop based on the third row and sticky header in mobile based based on the second row. Unbelivable, but it was working just fine until i activated standard theme.

    I have been working a week+ in the site and all header functions has been working ok even it is not possible as to your documentation. I know this because i have been working 50/50 mobile and desktop so i should for sure noticed if no sticky bar in mobile, so really wierd unless something has hang in cache.

    Anyway the header is now setup as before and the problem is that i can not set second row as sticky on mobile when 3 row is sticky on desktop.

    Any workaround for this, custom css etc. ?




    I fixed it with a little jquery so now it works perfect.

    jQuery(function($) {
        var mobile;
        if ( window.innerWidth !== undefined ) {
            mobile = window.innerWidth;
        } else {
            mobile = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
        if ( mobile >= 1025 ) {



    That is fine. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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