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Product Categories module show 3 items in Carousel

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  • #382575

    [email protected]

    Hello Team,

    I am using Product Categories module and select type Carousel. Right now its showing 4 categories but i want to show 3. I tried to find out but no success. Please suggest me to fix this.



    [email protected]

    I want to use this design:
    And i am not getting how to import this from admin.

    I also want to add this design:

    But not getting how to import this.




    As soon as you enable the carousel, there is the option to set the number of slides in the row.

    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Sorry, i think that option is not showing. Sending you admin details so please have a look.




    Please deactivate all the plugins except these ones:

    Slider Revolution
    Woodmart Core
    Contact Form 7
    MailChimp for WordPress
    Safe SVG
    Switch to the parent theme and check the Product category widget, it should have these options:https://gyazo.com/2b0a8460becd7f9dd6fc5b847e89065e

    If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Hello Team,
    I tried what you mentioned above but still no option for carousel so please have a look. I also sent you admin details so please check what is the issue. Need to fix this asap.




    Please, confirm the permission for plugin deactivation, and switching to the parent theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back, however, the site would be without plugins for 15-20 min. You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Hello Team,

    Yes i took backup of website and now you can work on it to fix carousel option. You can work on plugins and theme for deactivation and enable.

    Please let me know once fixed.




    Could you kindly provide FTP so that our developers check deeper? Please insert the site FTP access into the Private content below the message area.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Sending you details. So please have a look.




    Please try to delete the current widget and add a new one and try to configure, if the problem presists, please provide the screen on how you add it.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Hello Team,

    Yes its working.

    Thank You.


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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