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Product grid outlining with review stars on

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  • #59067


    Hello mister,

    Thank you for the great theme, it really makes it easy to make a great website!

    I do have a issue with the product outlining when the star reviews are on, I would like them to stay nicely outlined into the grid but after awhile when alot of products are shown the outline is completly off.
    Is there a way to fix this? It must be a common problem but I cannot find a solution anywhere (perhaps i discribed it wrong)
    I’ve added a picture, I would like the red line to be completely straight so the products stay in 1 straight row.

    Thank you already,

    Kind regards,

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    Please navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Products & categories styles and deactivate masonry grind http://prntscr.com/jlwxf1

    Best Regards

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