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Product Grid Style

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  • #297787



    I love the design of Woodmart and the possibilities to customize it. However, I am stuck at these points and hope you can help me (as shown attached).

    Marked in red
    See attachment top: This is the Product grid Style I have chosen which works best for me.
    Cart button and labels are good in all device versions.

    I would like ONLY to customize the quickview and wishlist icons.

    Device Desktop: Here the squares are too big for me. Can I ONLY custonize Whishlist/Quickview icons?

    Like seen here:

    Wishlist and Quickview Icon ONLY as white line icons

    I would like to change this analogously for mobile and tablet (here its fine to have only heart icon!), so that everything fits together.

    Blue marked

    How and where can I adjust the product texts and set them left aligned (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)? No longer centered.

    Marked pink
    I would like to increase the spacing between rows. With which custom CSS is this possible? Would I then have to enter different values for desktop and mobile so that it looks harmonious in all sizes?

    Marked green
    I downloaded the “Loco Translate Plugin” and already translated a lot. However, I currently can’t find where to search for the wording “Any…” in the filters in the Shop Page widget area so that I can translate it.

    Many, many thanks for your help. Best regards

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    I will provide custom CSS as soon as you send the credentials.

    Best Regards



    Admin Access is attached.

    Thank you.



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .select2-container--default .select2-selection--single {
        height: 22px!important;
        line-height: 22px!important;
    body .select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow {
        top: 0!important;

    Best Regards




    Thank you. But code don’t work. I want to give more space between product rows. The code give more space between Filters.

    Thank you for new information.

    I await also your response for further questions marked red / marked green / marked blue.

    Many thanks.

    Best regards



    Please take the current view and show on the screen what space you would like to increase or decrease.

    Best Regards




    I want more space between the product rows (Desktop / Tablet / Mobile) – especially in the mobile view.
    See screenshot attached.

    Many thanks and best regards.

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    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .product-grid-item {
        margin-bottom: 10px!important;

    Best Regards

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