WCFM vendor name position is controlled by WCFM plugin and cant be changed by modifying theme product hover files. WCFM vendor position can be controlled by plugin option “WCFM Dashboard => Markteplace settings => Sold By Position”. That option allow you to choose place, after which Sold by badge will be displayed: Below Title, Below Price, Below Short Description, Below Add to Cart (https://prnt.sc/1qlgx5y). Some Woodmart product designs didn’t allow vendor name to be placed “Below Add to Cart” button because not enough space there or it break hover layout and in that case it was hidden via CSS.
If you want to use vendor name on Woodmart Quick product design, you need:
1. Navigate to: “WCFM Dashboard => Markteplace settings => Sold By Position”.
2. Choose Sold By Position which is supported by your current product design. In case with “Quick” design, it will be “Below Title” and “Below Price” (https://prnt.sc/1qlgai2).
3. Save plugin settings.
Here is an example screenshot with “Quick” product design with vendor badge placed “Below Price”. (https://prnt.sc/1qlg7qd)
As for the blog page, please disable the Masonry grid and upload images of the same size.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Kind Regards