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Product Images and Slider load very slow on Chrome

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  • #199016



    Product Images and Sliders load very slow on Chrome.
    On Firefox, loading has no problem.

    Could you please elaborate on the topic?
    Thank you



    Which slider do you use: Slider Revolution or Woodmart slider? We cannot influence the Slider Revolution that is why we suggested a light slider – WoodMart slider. If you use WoodMart slider try to optimize the images and upload them again.

    Best Regards




    This is not a reliable support answer.
    If you understood the issue I am facing is that same woodmart home page with woodmart sliders and product images loads very slow on Chrome and very fast on Firefox.

    The issue does not have to do with the optimisation of images.
    Please provide better support answer regarding my issue.

    I will repeat in case you did not understand.
    Same page = Loads fast on Firefox
    Same page = Loads very very very very slow on Chrome




    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme provide the site admin access to the private area for us to check.

    Best Regards



    Please Check.
    This is a major issue IN USING WOOMART THEME!
    Please check home page on Chrome and Firefox to notice the difference.
    Home page on Chrome eats up all CPU on my server. On firefox the issue is somehow better.

    I have used plugin Async JavaScript by Autoptimize to apply async method to load js simultaneously while html is loaded, but jquery files create errors since they have to be loaded before js files.
    I have now uninstalled all plugins not related to woodmart theme.

    The above async method made woodmart sliders and product images load fast but with jquery errors on browser and sometimes these elements not loading at all.

    PLEASE check!
    Thank you


    Artem Temos

    We see that your website has loading problem not only on the home page but also in WordPress dashboar for example where our theme has no any resources. Could you please check it from your side? Also, check the loading time with a default WordPress theme.


    Artem Temos

    There is no difference between Chrome and Firefox. If you have problem with your server CPU then it will affect the loading time for all browsers. Please, contact your hosting provider for help in this situation. We don’t see any problems related to our theme directly.



    I have contacted my hosting provider and they have checked the CPU. It has no problem.

    The loading issue you came accross is that my website had been limited by my server since it eats up all CPU resouces every time I am loading the site on Chrome. My server has the following characteristics:

    3GB memory
    300% usage CPU Speed (3 core)
    I/O Speed 4MB/s
    SSD storage.

    I will migarate the site to another server to check it.
    PLEASE check now one more time since my site it is now not limited by my server.


    Artem Temos


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?
    We don’t see any problem related to our theme now.




    When I activate storefront theme, Woodmart core plugin even if activated, its vc elements are not installed, therefore I cannot check with same elements.

    As a result, with storefront theme, home page loads very very FAST!!
    Please check on your side.
    Place 3 ‘woodmart sliders’ and 3 ‘products (grids or carousels)’ elements on your home page and load it on Chrome. I have used Bakery demo. Use this.

    I contacted my server just now and they will perform a careful check on the logs of the server and its resources.

    I will install woodmart theme with same home page on a clean subdomain wordpress intallation to check if issue persists.





    I installed woodmart theme on another server (NEW WORDPRESS AND THEME INSTALLATION FROM START) of the same hosting company with similar characterists.

    2GB memory
    200% usage CPU Speed (2 core)
    I/O Speed 4MB/s
    SSD storage.

    Immediately after loading home page of woodmart base import, the server notified me that my site had been limited within the past 24 hours: I/O usage resources were limited for your site.
    WOODMART THEME most probably has an issue. PLEASE investigate it!!!

    At same time I am waiting for a response from my hosting company regarding their checks.

    Installing Woodmart theme in two different hosting accounts of same hosting company and both getting limited because their resources got eaten up after loading home page of woodmart base theme is very very obvious it has to do with Woodmart Theme.



    Artem Temos

    You will not see any difference if you test this on the same server. Try to use some other hosting company if the current one even can’t handle such a simple website. We recommend you to use BlueHost or WP Engine.

    We tested our theme on these servers and never got any issues. There are a lot of customers even with more complicated websites and they don’t have such problems.



    It is a different server on same hosting company. What are you talking about??

    Please make checks on your side again. The hosting company I am using is very well known also and never had such issues.



    Artem Temos

    We mean that you are testing one and the same company. Anyway, please, check with some other hosting from the suggested. You can start a free trial for that.

    As we said, we don’t see any problems directly related to our theme on your website.



    One of your clients had same issue I am having:


    I am having another problem with the theme
    The theme is completely consuming the recourese of the server

    I spoke to the server support and this is what they said

    I have gone through the server and found that a major chunk of load is coming from the one application. Upon digging further, I have found the load is caused mainly by the application generating huge number of POST requests to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wp_1_wc_regenerate_images&nonce=a8340c2b65 which in turn use the PHP ImageMagick library excessively to regenerate thumbnails. The activity is initiated every 5 minutes due to wp-cron event (wp_1_wc_regenerate_images_cron) eating up a lot of CPU resources.

    How can I disable AJAX load of content?
    Have you set up a cron job to regenerate thumbnails?



    I enabled debug mode and loaded home page on chrome.
    Please see the log in the private area.



    In addition to errors shown in debug.log file,
    Please see the screenshots from Plesk > Resource Usage

    I reach the Input/Output usage limit of 4mb/s when site is loaded on chrome.



    Take a look at this link: https://kinsta.com/blog/admin-ajax/

    The spike to the limit of 4mb/s input/output usage is coming from /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    Visual Composer is responsible for this issue!!!

    If you click into the POST admin-ajax.php request, you can see three different tabs: Headers, Post, and Response. When diagnosing these types of issues, you really are interested in the contents of the Post and Response tabs. For this site, we can instantly see clues in the Response tab. We can see that part of the request has to do with the “vc_shortcodes-custom-css” script.


    Artem Temos


    admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wp_1_wc_regenerate_images request is not related to our theme at all. It is something related to WooCommerce or WordPress core.
    Notices from your reply #199482 are not related to our theme also. You can check that files that cause those errors are not coming from WoodMart files.

    Regarding the WPBakery page builder. Could you please describe this issue in some details? How to reproduce it on your website? How did you conclude that it has problems?

    Kind Regards



    Woodmart slider image (WP Bakery element) is queued until 16sec, slowing down loading. It is 67th request out of 69 requests in total. Home page is fully loaded at 25.81 sec… 🙁
    See screenshot (chrome.png)

    When I deactivate WP Bakery builder home page is fully loaded at 7.45 sec!
    See screenshot when bakery is deactivated (chrome-wp-bakery-deactivated.png)

    In addition: I have uploaded a favicon at Woodmart Setting. That also takes a long time to be requested.




    38 messages I receive from chrome browser:
    [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking ‘touchstart’ event. Consider marking event handler as ‘passive’ to make the page more responsive. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5745543795965952


    Artem Temos

    Notices from the chrome console are not related to performance so you can ignore them.
    As for the slider, we are using HTML images there and nothing special. There are three factors that affect those images loading time:

    1. Images size

    2. Your internet connection speed

    3. Your server response time

    As you can see, our theme can’t influence any of the listed factors. The only thing that you can check about our theme is to enable/disable lazy loading from Theme Settings.

    Kind Regards



    Could you give an explanation why on chrome I have such delay while on Firefox I dont?

    Chrome 25 sec
    Firefox 8 sec

    I have moved several js scripts and css styles to footer and some to header that have indeed improved speed.


    Artem Temos

    Could you try to check how it works in Chrome incognito tab? Or disable all Chrome extensions to check.
    It loads in 6-10 seconds on both chrome and firefox. Note that we have disabled external plugins temporarily.



    I removed my chrome extensions > loaded home page > Home page completely loaded at 22sec.

    Chrome incognito mode > loaded home page > Home page completely loaded at 22sec.

    You have deactivated all external plugins > No difference for Chrome > Home page completely loaded at 22sec.

    Firefox > Home page completely loaded at 10sec.


    Artem Temos

    The same 8-12secods we got in Google Chrome
    Probably, you have some issue with Google chrome on your computer too.



    A friend of mine loaded it from his Chrome browser and also loaded it at 25 sec!

    I will be consulted by an IT company in web development and my server’s support.

    I will keep you updated.

    I have no issue with Chrome.



    I tested woodmart base demo on a dedicated server on another company named:

    Hostname web108.ukraine.com.ua
    Address type IPv4
    ASN AS200000 Hosting Ukraine LTD
    Organization Hosting Ukraine LTD (ukraine.com.ua)

    Check the Google speed result on dedicated server: 22% !!!

    Hostname web108.ukraine.com.ua
    Address type IPv4
    ASN AS200000 Hosting Ukraine LTD
    Organization Hosting Ukraine LTD (ukraine.com.ua)

    Check the Google speed result my server: 21% !!!

    My Chrome browser does not have an issue!
    Both servers Woodmart was tested had SAME results for speed, VERY BAD results 22% and 21% respectively for each server

    Your theme has an ISSUE with speed!

    Please reply as soon as possible!


    Artem Temos

    This website is loading without any problems in 4-7 seconds without cache. Note that you need to optimize your website content first to improve the google page speed score. But in general, there are no any issues on this new website.



    Send me a screenshot that you can load it completely in 4-7 seconds with images and js loaded.

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