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Product navigation doesn´t work

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  • #351758


    Hi, the product navigation on single product page (navigation of next/previous products) does not work correctly and seems to be random.



    Yes, that is right. That is the way it works by default. If you want to show the product from the same category, add this code to the functions.php of the child theme:

    add_filter( 'woodmart_get_prev_product_same_term', '__return_true' );

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello, thank you. I would have expected that the product navigation shows the same products in the same order as on the shop page. For example, when I see all products on the shop page, sorted by title, and I click on one product I can use the product navigation to go through these products that I have seen before. This is what the user expects and how it works in other shops.



    Unfortunately, it is not possible.
    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello, thats very sad. Such a basic and important function in a website is really not possible with woodmart? The php code you gave me to make it work within the same category does not help too. Products usually have several categories, usually hierarchically (e.g. clothes – pants – shorts). When I look at 20 different shorts, does Woodmart product navigation suddenly show me skirts? That is no solution.

    It’s just as bad when navigating projects: I sorted my projects by title, but the project navigation shows a completely different order. If you click on the “back to the list” button, you don’t get the list but a single project page.



    WoodMart navigation is based on the default WordPress functions: get_next_post() and get_previous_post()

    and we cannot change these functions. As for the backlist button, please check if you have set the page for the portfolio, choosing the appropriate template in the page settings.

    Best Regards



    Hello, when I set the page as portfolio the page is not working anymore. I used the portfolio element within the page together with other elements.



    I have navigated and navigation works as it should: https://gyazo.com/e87ddc52f19130059fa9f601ae565be4 and https://gyazo.com/af6893e6c8654c38208bcc2b97bb8fb2

    Please clarify the problem.

    Best Regards



    Hello the sort order is working now because in the meanwhile I changed the dates of all projects so that the alphabetical order corresponds to the order by date.
    What still doesn’t work is the “back to list” button. Instead of going to the list, the current page is reloaded



    You need to set “Portfolio” template on the page: https://take.ms/A749o

    Please set and check.

    Best Regards



    Hello, when I set “Portfolio” template on the page all the content disappears at the frontend.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Such may happen if you have set one and the same page for Portfolio and Home page in the Dashboard > Reading.

    If you want to show the portfolio on the home page, you will need to use the Portfolio widget.

    Best Regards



    Hello, this is not the case. The page I mentioned is not the home page in the ‘Reading’ settings.
    Best regards



    Sorry for the delay. I cannot enter your site and even see the content. Please provide full valid access.
    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area.

    Best Regards

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