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Product page customization.

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  • #63373



    I would like to customize my product page’s description similar to version of your demo. How can I do it?

    Here is an example:

    The second question is, would be great if I could let my customer know that product is available/in stock by [AVAILABLE] button at the product page. Can I find it somewhere in your theme settings?

    Best regards,



    Cant edit my post so I provide you more info here.



    1. In order to enable zoom on the product page, upload images in a bigger size;

    2. Next, choose the product page design in Theme Settings > Product page > Single product layout and style http://prntscr.com/jw5mag

    3. Upsells product – enter each product and add them in linked products http://prntscr.com/jw5nlj

    4. Product stock is enabled in WooCommerce > Settings > Product Tab > Inventory and enter each product put stock in Inventory tab. http://prntscr.com/jw5o5k

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your reply.

    You misunderstood me, I was thinking just about product’s description. Bold text, extra images there etc.



    The product description is created by means of WP Bakey Page builder. You need to switch to Backend Editor to enable. If you do not have the button, navigate to WP Bakery > Roles > and activate the plugin for products.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your reply.

    I have checked my Woocommerce settings regarding instock message and its enabled. Could you please tell me why its not shown at product page? I made it 100 in stock.



    You need to set stock in each variation in a variable product http://prntscr.com/jw7rfh

    Best Regards



    Okay, its working now but I would prefer to make it like this:

    Is it possible to do it by the theme or it will be custom code modification?

    Best regards



    You will need to customize cause a product page is Woocommerce template and functionality. By default when you choose the variation you will see the stock. When you put, for example, 50 pcs in stock it may be confusing as it is not clear for a user what variation this quantity relate to.

    Best Regards



    I dont want to display any quantity, I just want to display that product is available/in stock if its in my Woocommerce stock, nothing else. I.E. if ive got more than 1 pcs in WooCommerce stock = AVAILABLE at my product page.



    Anyway, you will have to customize WooCoomerce as it is possible to do only on the single page. Variable product show stock only after you have chosen the variation.

    Best Regards

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